
5 Little Known Facts About Planning A Funeral


When you are planning a funeral (at an outlet such as Sturtevant Funeral Home) for a loved one, it can become extremely overwhelming, which often leads people to letting the funeral director organize everything. This is something you want to avoid, however, since you want to be sure that the funeral is exactly how you and your loved one would've wanted it to be. You should know all aspects of organizing and putting together a funeral to ensure that you are doing everything possible to make it exactly as desired.

26 March 2015

Memorializing The Passing Of A Loved One


If you find yourself in need of planning memorial services for a friend or family member, there are several different options. The number and type of services depend on how best to honor the person's final wishes and how they wish to be remembered. Here are some of the typical options to consider when planning this final tribute to your loved one. Visitation Services This is the first of a series of memorial services that can be held.

26 March 2015