5 Little Known Facts About Planning A Funeral


When you are planning a funeral (at an outlet such as Sturtevant Funeral Home) for a loved one, it can become extremely overwhelming, which often leads people to letting the funeral director organize everything. This is something you want to avoid, however, since you want to be sure that the funeral is exactly how you and your loved one would've wanted it to be. You should know all aspects of organizing and putting together a funeral to ensure that you are doing everything possible to make it exactly as desired. Here are five little-known facts about planning a funeral that could help you plan it better:

  1. The Headstone Design Isn't Limited: When it comes to choosing a headstone for your loved one, the burial grounds may only provide a small amount of options that you have. However, you typically do not have to be limited to these designs. If you want to add unique characteristics and personal touches, you can ask for permission to do so. Of course, the things you want to add must be approved and typically it is allowed. 
  2. There are Low-Income Benefits: There are a couple of programs that you can apply for that will help you should you qualify for the low-income benefits it provides. Instead of having to use all the funeral costs that are provided through the insurance that you have and coming up short, you can use the extra money that you qualify for in order to get exactly what you want out the funeral service. 
  3. Fees Add Up: When planning for the reception and other aspects of the funeral, many people don't realize that the cremation fees, burial fees, and even doctor fees can take away from the amount that you can spend on the reception itself. If you are on a budget, then it may be best to instead host a party in your home to celebrate the life of the loved one that you have lost. 
  4. Try to Organize More on Your Own: Working with a funeral director is great because they have a great deal of experience with putting together funerals. However, using their services for every aspect can be costly. Instead, try and arrange as much as you can on your own. The funeral director will be happy to provide advice that you may need to do some things on your own, which won't cost you in the end. 
  5. The Requests on the Will Don't Have to be Met: If you know that your loved one hasn't made any updates to their will for a number of years, then you don't necessarily have to follow the requests on it for the funeral service if you know that they would have chosen something different by now.

By knowing how to better plan a funeral, you are sure to be much happier with the outcome.


26 March 2015

Planning Your Loved One’s Funeral

A couple of weeks ago, one of my dear family friend’s suffered the loss of her husband. After a brief illness, he passed away at a local hospital. Immediately after his passing, she started planning the funeral arrangements. She didn’t want his funeral to be a sad occasion. Instead, she wanted the service to celebrate his amazing life. She worked tirelessly with the professional staff at a local funeral home in order to plan the order and type of service for the funeral. On this blog, you will discover tips for planning a funeral service that will celebrate the life of your deceased loved one.